Shift Gears from
Surviving to Thriving

Are the Uncontrollable Variables of
Life in Agriculture becoming
Maybe you feel one or more of the following:
- stress is becoming overwhelming and affecting your life negatively
- you feel alone and isolated both in your work and everyday life
- you find yourself reacting to situations and don’t understand why
- you feel stuck in life, sometimes angry, sad or hopeless
I Understand.
Growing up in the field of agriculture I offer clients the familiarity and deep understanding of where they are coming from in their journey. Producer to producer we’ll discover what needs to be worked on, develop a plan and move forward.
Step off the tractor and into the roundpen.
Are You Ready?
If you are seeking:
- the ability to set boundaries and advocate for yourself
- to leave behind unhealthy patterns and beliefs that leave you feeling stuck
- to build a vision that will propel you forward
- to create and strengthen relationships
- calm, clarity, love and joy
- to rediscover your passion and purpose in life
Then this is the place for You!
Work with Tracy
what is equine gestalt coaching
why horses are the best coach of your life
As an Equine Gestaltist I believe that the clients who visit my barn are complete and whole individuals. As life happens we sometimes lose the essence of who we are or the answers we seek along the way. Due to life circumstances, trauma or fear of making the wrong choice our inner knowingness becomes blurred and we ponder the idea of what our purpose is here on Earth.
What if I told you there is a way to find the answers, to feel whole and live your life full of joy, love and excitement?
Enter the Horse.
The horses are deeply connected to our humanity and are natural Gestaltists. They live in the moment, are non-judgemental and are masters at reading body language. Horses have the innate ability to see deeply into our souls and their hearts can reach places we ourselves do not know how to find. The sheer presence of these gentle beings can bring us to a genuine place of healing, creating space for us to cultivate new ideas and ways to live a more fulfilled and joy filled life. They are my true partners in this work.
As we walk the path of healing with our clients we will support you and listen deeply as you unearth what has been packed away for months, years or even generations. In this safe & supportive environment we will work together giving you the space to access the answers that lie deep inside you. Realizations will be made, actions will be taken and you will flow into the empowered knowing that you have taken the steps to creating the vision for your future. You are whole, you are complete and you my friend are here because the world needs You!
Are you ready?

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